بتوجيه من مدبولي.. حملات ترويجية مصرية لسياحة اليخوت عالميا جاءت قبل موعدها بعام.. تفاصيل العاصفة الشمسية التي تضرب الأرض أستاذ أمراض: 9% من المصريين مصابين بأنيميا البحر المتوسط.. وهذه خطورته أرصاد مصر: ارتفاع تدريجي لدرجات الحرارة بداية من الجمعة المقبلة (بذرة التين المقدس) ومعركة (كان) السياسية!! تخاريف صباحية - قصة صداقة عمرها ربع قرن غرفة الدواء المصرية: نقص الأدوية مشكلة تدبير العملة.. وحلها خلال أسابيع وفاة ريك سليمان أول مريض خضع لعملية زرع كلية خنزير
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Sabir Al-Janzouri

The Upcoming Days in the Political Backstage

In the upcoming days: Rumors will increase. Lies will intensify. Doubt will be cast on everything, all aiming at the primary goal of demoralizing the Egyptian citizen, exploiting their economic conditions, and urging them towards rebellion and chaos - not a true revolution. Hence, the objectives of Egypt's enemies may be achieved

The Constant and the Variable between Science and Religion

Human knowledge is limited in comparison to the knowledge of God. God is the one who bestows a fragment of His knowledge upon humans, and as it's said, "You have been given but a fraction of knowledge." There are variables and constants in what humans arrive at in the fields of theoretical and experimental sciences. If we

The Mamluks

Away from dramas, series, and movies, this is a concise personal perspective on the period when the Mamluks ruled Egypt. Perhaps we will come to understand the "truth about the Mamluks and the truth about the Ottomans". This is not in defense of the Mamluks nor a disdain for the Ottoman invaders. This is a view from history


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior, a failure to distinguish reality, disturbed thinking, and auditory hallucinations, in addition to a lack of willpower. Unfortunately, we have come to suffer in our reality that we live from this schizophrenia, and this abnormal disturbance in our behaviors and

The Egyptian Belief System

If you write about your love for the Prophet's family, you are accused of being Shia, and if you write about your love for the companions of the Prophet, they say you are a Salafi and Sunni, etc. And if you wrote about asceticism and divine love, they said you are a Sufi. And if you combine all of that, they become silent and cannot

Question Marks???

As an individual and an Egyptian citizen who loves his country and dreams of a dignified life, justice, freedom, and social justice for all its inhabitants. He does not wish to see justice diverted. Anyone who harms the country, tries to destabilize its security and stability, destroys its infrastructure, terrorizes it, or exploits its